dr bedeng

betapa susahnya ibu mengandungkan bayi-nya...

measure patient's height (1)

the unknown 'patient' was examined by dr ayat...
determine the patient's blood pressure by using "spek-mu-mano-nate" (2)

kasih sayang seorang bapa

tomei dan tomot...
sanggupkah anda melihat bayi yang comel ini buang merata2 (?)

check the patient's temperature (3)

and one more time (4)

use oxygen mask (5)

adakah anda dapat melihat sesuatu melalui logo ini (?)
kalau anda seorang simbol obsesi, pasti ketemuan...
p/s; اللهم اني اعوذبك من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار ومن فتنة المحيا والممات ومن فتنة المسيح الدجال
3 ungkapan:
hahaha.. like this!
Bro, I think I know what kind of symbol there in the logo...
btw, i'm not a 'simbol obsesi' person though...but I do admit that i'm quite sensitive to these kind of thing...seriously, people should be aware!!! (hopefully the symbol I saw = symbol you meant)...something to do with numbers right? (@-@)v
ps: nice pictures u got there! haha, blood pressure brapo? harap2nya normal...
along; emm, nombo dih....tapi hok napok ni buke nombo...tapi lambe...huuu~ no gapo long?? acu tera oyak n xplain sikit...
lel; like this too...haha
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